Here you will find information and resources to support you in your role as a Lead Mentor.

Check-in Process

As a Lead Mentor, your main role is to check in with your mentors throughout each cycle. Each mentor will be different; some may ask to check in every week, whilst others may only want to check in once during mentoring.

Check-in process:

  1. Establish how often your mentors want you to check in with them
    • For experienced mentors, they might just want a chat once during mentoring. This is fine!
    • For new mentors, you have to check in at least twice (before and after mentoring).
  2. Check in with your mentors and complete the check-in form (link below)
    • You can either complete the form whilst doing the check-in, or afterward.
  3. Georgie will contact you once a week during a cycle with the names of any mentors who haven’t completed their reflection forms
    • Chase up those mentors who haven’t done it during your check-in.
    • If they’ve asked for less regular check-ins, please contact them to remind them to complete the reflection form.
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